Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter

not just today but every single day

If I’m being honest, I wished Grand Rapids didn’t rush to clean up downtown so quickly after the protest on May 30, 2020. I wanted people to really see and feel the pain from the weight of oppression that Black People experienced in the last 400+ years — even if it was just a fraction of their trauma for a few days. ⁣


We were given something even better. Like the rose that grew from the concrete, #WindowsGR is an art activation project led by artists of color to amplify the voices of black people visually. If you haven’t been downtown yet, I urge you to go check it out. ⁣


May their voices be heard, stories be told, justice be served, and equality for all. It’s time to dismantle white supremacy & systemic racism once and for all! ⁣

#blacklivesmatter #blm


The Drag Therapist


Slow Down